Setting the Wedding Date
Before the definite date is planned, please telephone the Church Office to make sure the church and the minister are available. The marriage service will be performed by the Senior Pastor or someone delegated by him. In every case, the minister or a representative will be present to direct and take part in the service.
Before the definite date is planned, please telephone the Church Office to make sure the church and the minister are available. The marriage service will be performed by the Senior Pastor or someone delegated by him. In every case, the minister or a representative will be present to direct and take part in the service.
The Rehearsal
A rehearsal date should also be set. The best time for this is the evening before the wedding. At least one hour should be allowed for the rehearsal, and all principals are urged to be prompt. If organ music is to be provided for the wedding, it is recommended that the organist play for the rehearsal.
In ordering invitations the suggested form for the name and address of the church is:
Premarital Conferences
A significant phase in preparation for the wedding is the conferences of the minister with the prospective bride and groom. Generally, the minister will meet with the couple three or four times. The purpose of these conferences is to discuss the meaning of Christian marriage, to mutually get to know each other better and to plan the service. A booklet of sample services and extra readings is available to help the couple plan their own service.
It is recommended that the marriage license be obtained at least one week before the wedding and not earlier than 35 days before the wedding date. The license must be obtained from the Town Clerk at Avon Town Hall; Connecticut residents may also apply for a marriage license in the town where they live if they do not live in Avon. You are asked to bring the license with you to the rehearsal, or see that the license is delivered to the minister the day before the wedding.
Organ music at all services shall normally be rendered by the organist of West Avon Congregational Church. Our Organist is Donald Funk ([email protected] or 860-985-9985); he will be happy to discuss with you a program of music to be played at your wedding. Please be in contact with the organist at least two months before the wedding. Music may be provided by other instruments; please let the pastor know your plans at least 60 days before the wedding.
Flowers and Decorations for the Church
A single table arrangement is best. You may want to consider leaving the flowers for the Sunday service. If so, please mention this to the minister or church office (860-673-3996). Arrangements for floral decorations should be made through the florist of your choice. Most of the local florists are acquainted with our church and will be able to suggest various decorations for your consideration. Any other decorations should be mentioned to the minister.
Photographers are required to refrain from taking flash pictures during the wedding ceremony. Pictures may be taken of the processional and recessional. Generally, the photographer will take some pictures following the service. Time exposures can be taken from the balcony. Video cameras are permissible in a stationary, unattended position behind the last pew to the rear of the church during the service.
Other Arrangements
Aisle ribbons may be ordered from the florist; there are 14 pews on each side of the sanctuary. Please note: generally we do not use the first pew, for it is too close to the wedding party. We discourage the use of an aisle runner.
Two brass floor candelabra, each holding seven candles, are available for your use. There are also hurricane chimneys and electric candles for the nine windows.
The church makes every effort to keep costs to a minimum. The following are the policy guidelines set by the church.
The sanctuary may be used by church members and supporters without charge. The charge for non-members is $300.
The Fellowship Hall may be used by church members and supporters for $150. The charge for non members is $300.
Wine or any other alcoholic beverages are only permitted by approval of the church council.
Church Staff - The following schedule will guide you in making plans for the services of the church staff.
Member Non-member
Organist (Wedding Service and rehearsal) $250 $250
Custodian $125 $125
Minister Honorarium $400
Administrative Fee $100 $100
Fee for use of Church (including Bride's Room) No Charge $300
Fee for use of Fellowship Hall $150 $300
Fees may be brought to the rehearsal or on the wedding day.